Subscription based

Affortable Subscription based

No need to spend lacs of rupees on a scanner.

PDF report with descriptions

PDF report with descriptions

No need to Google for the meaning of each fault code. Our PDF report gives description of code and suggest you how to fix it.

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Full tech support

For any assistance simply email or call our experts, and they will make sure you fix each car properly and to your customer’s satisfaction with our scanner.

Easy to use, intuitive User Interface.

With our user friendly interface, you can scan any car with just with a few clicks. It’s so simple that even a 10 year old can use it.

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Free, over the air updates.

Once you become a subscriber, you never have to pay for updates during your subscription period. Your software will be automatically updated when new features are launched.

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Wiring Diagrams for multiple models.

Want to know how a particular sensor is connected? Simply open the wiring diagram in our app and read it at your convenience.

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